Art Palma Brunch

El pasado sábado, la galería mallorquina Gerhardt Braun Gallery presentó su nueva exposición colectiva “Art Palma Brunch“, protagonizada por los diferentes artistas de la galería.

Hasta el 30 de Junio, podréis disfrutar de las obras de Aggtelek, Andreas Reimann, Astrid Colomar, Ben Jakober, Bruno Bisang, Carlos Maciá, Christa Filser, Diana Coca, Francesca Martí, Histina Milanova, Josep Maria Sirvent, Knut Eckstein, Martín Mas, Olimpia Velasco, Rafa Macarrón, Santi Verzi y Thierry Feuz.

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Aggtelek   //    Andreas Reimann & Tobias Hermeling

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Histina Milanova   //   Astrid Colomar

Dónde: Gerhardt Braun Gallery – Calle Sant Feliu, 10 – 07012 Palma de Mallorca

Cuándo: hasta el 30 de Junio


About Astrid Jacomme

French photographer living in Barcelona and passionate by street and travel photography. Used to digital cameras, she discovered the magic of instant photography some years ago, when her mother gave her her old Polaroid 635, the same one with which all of her photographs have been taken when she was a child. It probably explains why today the work of Astrid is linked to a reflexion about childhood, emancipation and memories. Maybe because she studied chemistry or just because she understands photography as a creative tool, Astrid likes to intervene her photographs to fulfil the complete artistic process.