Daily Archives: 22/04/2015

Pau Sampera

Iniciado en el mundo del grafiti desde pequeño, Pau Sampera se ha convertido en lo que podríamos llamar un artista visual aunque no le gusta mucho esta etiqueta ya que, para él, el artista no se tiene que limitar a

Pau Sampera

Iniciado en el mundo del grafiti desde pequeño, Pau Sampera se ha convertido en lo que podríamos llamar un artista visual aunque no le gusta mucho esta etiqueta ya que, para él, el artista no se tiene que limitar a

Light Over Time, by Sam Falls

Sam Falls experiments with material and process, and in particular with long-term effects of sunlight, rain, and temperature on such diverse materials as painted aluminum, heat-sensitive tiles, and colored glass, as well as fabric, copper, and marble. In Light Over Time, the artist

Light Over Time, by Sam Falls

Sam Falls experiments with material and process, and in particular with long-term effects of sunlight, rain, and temperature on such diverse materials as painted aluminum, heat-sensitive tiles, and colored glass, as well as fabric, copper, and marble. In Light Over Time, the artist