Daily Archives: 28/04/2015

Garry Winogrand

“A veces siento como si […] el mundo fuera un lugar para el que he comprado una entrada. Un gran espectáculo dirigido a mí, como si nada fuera a suceder a menos que yo estuviera allí con mi cámara.” Garry

Garry Winogrand

“A veces siento como si […] el mundo fuera un lugar para el que he comprado una entrada. Un gran espectáculo dirigido a mí, como si nada fuera a suceder a menos que yo estuviera allí con mi cámara.” Garry

All We Need Is Inside, by Jeppe Hein

303 Gallery presents “All We Need Is Inside”, their third exhibition of new works from the artist Jeppe Hein. On this occasion, Hein presents his latest feats of visual legerdemain in which he manipulates viewers’ perceptions through their experience with the work. Focusing

All We Need Is Inside, by Jeppe Hein

303 Gallery presents “All We Need Is Inside”, their third exhibition of new works from the artist Jeppe Hein. On this occasion, Hein presents his latest feats of visual legerdemain in which he manipulates viewers’ perceptions through their experience with the work. Focusing