Tótem, by Mystic Missy Fu

11138533_840278659399557_7435266667346918145_nEl espacio Paella Showroom presenta la nueva exposición de Núria Fustero, a.k.a. Mystic Missy Fu

La exposición se compone de ilustraciones en madera y la temática reside en el Tótem o animal de poder. Como los creían ciertas culturas, todos tenemos un animal de poder con el que nacemos y que nos representa y protege, aunque no seamos consiente de ello.

Este animal representa nuestras calidades, instinto y manera de ser.

Y tú, ¿qué animal llevas dentro de ti?


Dónde: Paella Showroom – C/ de Sant Pere més Alt 48 – 08013 Barcelona

Cuándo: a partir del 24 de Abril

About Astrid Jacomme

French photographer living in Barcelona and passionate by street and travel photography. Used to digital cameras, she discovered the magic of instant photography some years ago, when her mother gave her her old Polaroid 635, the same one with which all of her photographs have been taken when she was a child. It probably explains why today the work of Astrid is linked to a reflexion about childhood, emancipation and memories. Maybe because she studied chemistry or just because she understands photography as a creative tool, Astrid likes to intervene her photographs to fulfil the complete artistic process.