Daily Archives: 09/02/2015

Made in China: A Doug Fishbone Project

Can you tell the difference between an Old Master painting and a contemporary replica? Working with conceptual artist Doug Fishbone, Dulwich Picture Gallery is encouraging us to take a closer look at their permanent collection. How? Replacing one of their painting by

Made in China: A Doug Fishbone Project

Can you tell the difference between an Old Master painting and a contemporary replica? Working with conceptual artist Doug Fishbone, Dulwich Picture Gallery is encouraging us to take a closer look at their permanent collection. How? Replacing one of their painting by

Strange Oasis, by Pablo Helguera

Pablo Helguera is an interdisciplinary artist with an interest in socially engaged art and performance. His work as an educator has often influenced his work as an artist, often incorporating  language and literature to articulate and address local cultural and social

Strange Oasis, by Pablo Helguera

Pablo Helguera is an interdisciplinary artist with an interest in socially engaged art and performance. His work as an educator has often influenced his work as an artist, often incorporating  language and literature to articulate and address local cultural and social